March 12, 2009

Go Go Google Gadgets

blogger-16  If you use Blogger in order to manage your blog then you have available to you hundreds of gadgets that Google has released; all of which can add features to your blog. A gadget is a widget that adds small programs to a blog, adding features that show off lists of quotes, mini-games, and other functionality that will enhance your site. Here are a few of the new gadgets:

- HTML/JavaScript.

This will enable you to enhance Blogger by adding your own code. This makes Blogger vastly more usable, with features that you control. You can create a mailing bot, add links and images from other pages that you own, integrate with eBay and PayPal, and other features.

- Feeds.

This gadget allows you to add a feed from other blogs, directories, or other forms of news services. This enables your readers to see into what is in your reading list, and direct readers to other sites and content. If you have an account at an article repository, then you can add a feed to new articles as they are written. You can also reinforce a relationship with another blog not only trading RSS feeds, but also guest posts and more, effectively combining your readerships.

- Followers.

This is a way for you to follow other bloggers and for others to follow you anonymously. Think RSS meets Twitter. It is an easy way to generate traffic to your website, as if you start to follow others, they may start to follow you. You can also use this as a form of gauge, counting your readers and followers.

- Google Docs.

If your blog talks about spreadsheets or other documents, you can provide templates that users can copy and use for their own needs. This allows you to provide your readers with much more than plain content. For example, a finance blog could add links to spreadsheets that implement techniques that are described in your blog. The added benefit is that if your templates are publicly listed, then visitors finding the templates will be directed to your blog in order to learn how to use the docs.

- AdSense.

If you are in it to make money, then adding AdSense to your blog is a great way to start. Google’s technology works well with Google’s technology, and adding AdSense to your blog will be seamless. You will need to have an account with AdSense first, and it is good to run the blog for a while to generate traffic before adding the gadget. Then you can just add the code and it will integrate seamlessly. Then you will start to generate revenue from your writing.

Adding a gadget is simple, just go to your dashboard and add it. Gadgets provide a functionality that will enhance your blog and your reader’s experience.

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